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Ayurvedic Secrets for Weight Loss

According to Ayurveda, our physical constitution is made up of three bodily intelligences called doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. An imbalance in the kapha doshas is usually responsible for weight gain. Being overweight can induce kapha in the body, and excess kapha in the body can lead to obesity.Kapha may not be the only factor in the fight against obesity, but it is certainly an important one.
To reduce excess body fat, we recommend diet and lifestyle practices that reduce kapha in the body. Kapha is an important factor for strength, stability, protection and immunity. However, excess kaffa can quickly lead to weight gain, so it’s important to avoid it.

There are several causes of kapha imbalance such as:
1. Excessive sleeping.
2. Eating highly processed food.
3. No Physical Activity.
4. Eating during inappropriate hours.
5. Over-eating.
6. Eating too much sugar and salt.

Diet principle to reduce kapha imbalance:
1.Eat small meals more often than 2-3 large meals throughout the day. Enjoy one staple meal a day, preferably at lunchtime when digestion is more active. Our inner digestive fire is strongest during the day when the sky fire, the sun is strongest.
2.Hot soups are very easy to digest, so include them in your diet often. A good basic diet is pretty neat.
3..Protein keeps you full for longer. Avoid processed grains and cereals and keep bread to a minimum.
4.Fruits and vegetables should make up about 50% of your diet. Eat as much variety as possible and don’t rely too much on sweet fruits and vegetables.
5. Cut out all processed food. They often contain a lot of sugar and salt and are not good for weight loss or a healthy diet.
6.Salt is an vital part of a healthy diet. However, small amounts should be added to your diet. The best types of salt to consume are black salt or pink Himalayan salt.
7. A healthy diet should contain all types of spices such as turmeric, cumin, ginger, fennel, fenugreek, cloves, cardamom etc.
8.Avoid cold drinks of any kind as they can kill your digestive fire instantly. The best drinks are warm herbal tea and warm filtered water. Avoid stimulants such as alcohol and coffee.
9.Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners as they are difficult to digest and sweetness increases Kapha. If you want sweetener, use honey. However, be careful not to heat the honey.
10.Salads are light and dry, so include them in your diet. The best time to eat salads is at lunchtime, when digestion is most active
11. Exercise often. At least 45 minutes of physical activity per day is essential. Walking, yoga and jogging are good sports.

Ayurvedic approach to weight loss
Weight management in Ayurveda is part of the larger goal of disease prevention and treatment. Ayurveda follows a holistic, sustainable and above all personal approach. For example, short-term fasting may be recommended or contraindicated for some people, both of whom may be overweight. A comprehensive Ayurvedic consultation takes into account a person’s health, genetic and social background, emotional and mental health, current imbalances and lifestyle. It addresses the underlying causes of weight gain and related diseases and recommends a combination of short-term and long-term dietary and lifestyle changes. This is the benefit of Ayurveda when it comes to helping people lose weight and maintain it.

Ways to lose weight naturally:
1. Eat slowly- Studies show that chewing increases gut hormones and satiety, thus reducing self-reported hunger and food intake. H. Pleasant satiety. Basically, chewing well helps you lose weight. I know it’s not easy to keep track of how many times you chew, but you can eat more slowly. Allow 20 to 30 minutes for each meal and do not get up until the time is up.
2. Hydration is the key- Drinking water is associated with reduced weight, waist size, and body fat percentage. Drinking enough water each day increases your resting energy expenditure and burns calories faster. Ayurveda recommends using hot water and water between meals.
3. Eat more protein- A high-protein diet helps build muscle, which can boost your metabolism. It keeps you feeling full and prevents you from overeating. A high-protein breakfast is very helpful in losing weight. Daily protein intake from dal, sprouts, red meat or cottage cheese is a must.
4. Exercise everyday- It is important to burn calories by exercising and doing yoga to meet your daily training quota. It’s important to increase your step count by taking the stairs or walking to the grocery store. Instead of just walking for an hour in the morning and sitting all day, try to keep your body moving throughout the day.
5. Get enough sleep-Studies show that not getting enough sleep increases caloric intake. Also, your body burns fat while you sleep. A sleepy brain means your body is tired, which can make you want to skip training or be too tired to cook a healthy meal.
6. Eat dinner before 7pm- Ayurveda says that you should stop eating 3 hours before bedtime. This is especially helpful for people with insulin resistance such as diabetes, PCOS, and obesity. Studies show that people who don’t eat 2-3 hours before bed have a lower risk of cancer, lower insulin resistance, and less inflammation.

Ayurvedic herbs for Weight loss
1. Methi- Fenugreek or methi is known to be rich in numerous health benefits and effective in weight loss. Aids digestion, which is essential for weight loss. Galactomannan, the water-soluble component of Methi, helps suppress appetite and keep you feeling full longer. In addition, it helps to increase the body’s metabolic rate. Simply toast the methis seeds and crush them into a fine powder with a mortar and pestle. Take the powder with water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also soak the seeds in water overnight. Drink water on an empty stomach and chew the soaked seeds.
2. Triphala- Triphala helps remove toxins from the body and regenerate the digestive system. Triphala is an ancient concoction made from three dried fruits including Amalaki (Amla), Bibhitaki and Haritaki, all of which have purifying and rejuvenating properties. Ayurvedic experts recommend taking triphala churna with warm water at least 2 hours after dinner and 30 minutes before breakfast.
3. Cinnamon- Darquini or cinnamon stimulates the body’s metabolism and helps reduce belly fat. According to research published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon stimulates the metabolism of visceral adipose tissue, which may help you lose belly fat. Drink a cup of cinnamon tea first thing in the morning or as recommended by your doctor.
4. Aloe Vera- This nutrient-rich botanical contains several active ingredients that promote weight loss. It is usually consumed in the form of aloe vera juice, which is made from the gel of the plant and mixed with water. Aloe vera gel contains a complex carbohydrate called acemannan, which aids in the absorption of nutrients by the cells, nourishes them and also aids in detoxification. Boosts metabolism and aids weight loss.
5. Black pepper- Black pepper is a treasure trove of health benefits, including effective weight loss and metabolism. Desi superfoods are rich in vitamins A, K, C and minerals such as calcium, potassium and sodium. Black pepper is also rich in healthy fats and fiber that promote weight loss. Black pepper can be ingested in many forms. Add to your morning tea for a healthy start to the day.



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